영어능력자분들께 도움 청합니다. 혹시 어색한 문장이 있나요?

황제네로 작성일 18.02.18 01:29:02
댓글 4조회 1,385추천 3





잘못 쓰여진게 있으면 고쳐주셨으면 합니다.

고대사 관련해서 논쟁중이거든요.


A의 댓글  

Gojoseon, Buyeo and Jin are both Korean history. Dangun mythology is Korea's birth myth of a nation . Gojoseon called originally 'Joseon'. In order to distinguish it from Chosun dynasty established in 1392, it is attached with the '古'. it pronounce '古' in english 'Go'. It means 'old'. In Chinese history books,too. It is recorded in Gojosun as Chosun, not Gojosun. I learned this in Korean curriculum. (Dangun, who was driven out by Wiman, goes to Jin and subjugates Jin. and He divided and ruled Jin into three federation kingdoms. That is Mahan, Jinhan, Byunhan, which is called Federation kingdom, Samhan. After that, Mahan becomes Baekje,Jinhan becomes Silla, and Byunhan becomes Gaya. Gaya is absorbed by Silla in the 5th century. Goguryeo, which was separated from Buyeo, absorbed all the Buyeo in the 6th century. Thus became the three kingdoms age of Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla..) Most of the oriental history that the United States recognizes is those that were passed on by Japan. Therefore, the history of Korea 's ancient times is distorted. Japan destroyed most of Korea 's ancient history books on the Korean peninsula.


 A 댓글2  

 한국어로 쓰겠습니다. 한국의 비공식 역사서인 '환단고기' 단군세기에 아래와 같이 쓰여있습니다.  


재위 50년 무오(BCE 723)년에 임금께서 장수 언파불합을 보내어 바다위의 웅습(구마소)를 평정하였다. 25세 단군 사벌 재위 66년 갑술(BCE 707)년에 임금께서 조을을 보내어 곧장 연나라 수도로 진격하게 하시니 제나라 군대와 더불어 임치(제나라수도) 남쪽 들판에서 싸워 승리를 거두었다고 고하였다.  


그리고 같은 시기의 중국 역사서인 '사기' 제태공세가에서는 이렇게 전하고 있습니다.


희공 25년. 북융이 제나라를 침공하자 정나라에서 태자 홀을 보내 제나라를 도와주었다.  



다만 '한단고기'는 일제강점기에 기존에 있던 한국상고사에 관한 역사서 4권을 함께 엮은 책ㅇ으로 글의 내용상 시대를 넘나드는 바가 있고 저자의 신분이 명확치 않으며 쓰여진지 70여년이 지나서야 공개된 이유로 공식역사서로 인정받고 있지는 않습니다. 참고로 일제강점기에 일본정부에 의해 한국상고사를 다룬 역사서는 거의 불태워져 전해지고 있지 않습니다. 그러나 환단고기로 엮었다는 책 중 '삼성기'는 조선왕조실록 세조3년에 세조가 팔도관찰사에 수압령을 내렸던 책들 가운데 그 이름이 등장하는 것으로 보아 실존했던 것으로 알고 있습니다.


 B의 댓글 (중국인 추정)

 Chinese history books only appeared Jizi Joseon 箕子朝鮮and Wiman Joseon衛滿朝鮮, not Gojoseon古朝鮮 Gojoseon-Dangun Joseon2333BC~700BC  

jizi -Chinese  

Wiman -Chinese  

Gojoseon 古朝鮮 was first mentioned in Samguk Yusa (1281)《三國遺事》, written 3600 years after the time of“gojoseon”. It‘s so funny! Korean want to create an ancestor to replace jizi Jizi was a Chinese There are many Korean historical claims that are obviously fake,such as Gojoseon  


By the Way

before the 5th century BC  

korea's history = blank  



Before the Han Dynasty, the Korean Peninsula did not have its own writing system What administration system did "Gojoseon" adopted to rule such a large territory ?  

How to convey the emperor's order ?  

How to record your own history?


 C의 댓글

 I agree with you saying that Jizi is Chinese. But Dangun joseon is Korean and in the historic documents we called gojoseon to serapate jizi joseon from the other. funny to see gojoseon in Korean pronunciation. if you think it's yours then it should be gou chao xian isn't it? 


 A의 댓글3

 The theory that 'Gija' went to Joseon to build up a nation originated from three books of history. (尙書大傳-殷傳, 史記-宋微子世家, 漢書-地理志) These books were made around the third century, and the story from the 13th century BC is unclear. It‘s so funny!  

 The bronze of Gojoseon is a Liaoning bronze dagger culture, which is distinct from bronze culture of China. Whether or not Gija is Han Chinese, it is certain that Gojoseon had a culture style distinct from China. Korean scholars call it 'Yemek Chosun'(濊貊朝鮮) rather than 'Gija Chosun'(箕子朝鮮). Dongye(東濊) is associated with Yemek Chosun (濊貊朝鮮). (三國志)』魏書 -東夷傳


A의 댓글4

The ancient history books of Korea were damaged by Japan. Your argument is leaning on it.





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