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영어해석 좀 도와주세요..!

마유유오시 작성일 17.01.15 16:42:20
댓글 2조회 1,288추천 0



또 다시 도움을 구해봅니다 ㅜ.ㅜ


*약어는 제외하고 혹시 한글로 번역이라도 말이 되게끔 가능하신분 있으신가요 ..?



Healthy participants were recruited by verbal invitation and explanatory flyers distributed in campus facilities. Sixty-five healthy, right-handed, male and female  subjects 

(mean age 23.52 ± 3.61 years and mean body mass 23.2 ± 2.34 kg/m2 ) participated in the study protocol.


All subjects volunteering signed a consent form according to the national regulation and approved by the institutional review board of the university hospital. 


Subjects were not included if they had previous trauma, neurological or musculoskeletal conditions in the shoulder complex, upper limb, spine or pelvic girdle; limited or painful range of motion in the shoulder complex, upper limb, 


spine or pelvic girdle visually detectable spine misalignment, or reported intake of skeletal muscle relaxant drugs.



이 문장이나


The EMG signals were collected using the Trigno Wireless System and processed by EMGWorks Acquisition . 


Data were acquired at 2 kHz of sampling rate per channel. Trigno sensors  are built on a base for four parallel bars,


representing two active electrodes and two stabilizing references, eliminating the use of an external reference electrode.


Trigno sensor's amplifier has a band pass filter of 20e450 Hz, the baseline noise of <750 nV RMS, with a full dynamic range of ±5 V and a common mode rejection ratio of 80 dB. Before sensor placement, the skin was shaved, gently abraded and cleaned using alcohol wipes to reduce skin impedance. 


Sensors were using double sided adhesive tape. EMG signals were collected bilaterally from the SA, UT, middle trapezius (MT), LT, EO, internal oblique (IO) and rectus abdominis (RA).


The SA sensor was placed with bars aligned parallel to the length of the muscle fibers, below the axilla, to the lower level angle of the scapula, anterior to the latissimus dorsi muscle and posterior to the pectoralis major muscle 


The UT muscle sensor was placed midway on a line between the acromion and the spinous process of the C7 vertebra 


The MT sensor was placed at 50% of the horizontal distance between the medial border of the scapula and the spinous process of the T3 vertebra. The LT sensor was placed at 2/3 of the line between the trigonum spinae scapula and the spinous process of the T8 vertebra


. The OE muscle sensor was placed 15 cm lateral to the umbilicus with bars parallel-oriented to the muscle fiber's direction, just below the convexity of the 10th rib


 The OI sensor was placed below the external oblique electrodes and just superior to the inguinal ligament 


 The RA muscle sensor was placed 3 cm lateral to the umbilicus  




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