토마토 평점

말라카오 작성일 16.06.10 12:27:44
댓글 2조회 1,342추천 1




Average Rating: 4/10 Reviews Counted: 94 Fresh: 21Rotten: 73

Critics Consensus: Warcraft has visual thrills to spare, but they -- and director Duncan Jones' distinctive gifts -- are wasted on a sluggish and derivative adaptation of a bestselling game with little evident cinematic value.

17% Average Rating: 3.6/10 Reviews Counted: 30 Fresh: 5Rotten: 25

Critics Consensus: Warcraft has visual thrills to spare, but they -- and director Duncan Jones' distinctive gifts -- are wasted on a sluggish and derivative adaptation of a bestselling game with little evident cinematic value.

Want to See

93% want to see User Ratings: 33,948

Critic Consensus: Warcraft has visual thrills to spare, but they -- and director Duncan Jones' distinctive gifts -- are wasted on a sluggish and derivative adaptation of a bestselling game with little evident cinematic value.


네이버 평점 9.0 ㅋㅋ
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