영문 번역문 좀 봐주세요^^

라노짱 작성일 14.07.01 22:09:53
댓글 11조회 1,541추천 1




몇시간전 영문 번역요청드렸는데, 

제가 봐도 그건 너무 양이 많더라구요^^;; 부탁드리는분들께 일이 된다는 조언에 따라

부족하지만 제가 직접 작성한 영문버젼 체크만 부탁드리고자 글 올려요 형님들 (__)

외국계 회사지원하는데 Cover letter가 첨이라 무척이나 신경쓰이네요. 

제가 꼭 가고 싶은 회사이기도 하구요

다시 한번 염치 불구 하고 영어잘하시는 형님들 도움 좀 부탁드릴께요.

한번 살펴보시고 어색하거나 틀린문장 있으면 과감히 지적해주세요!!

Dear 0000


Application for the of 8888 manger

I would like to apply for the of 8888 Manager. As a results driven and focused individual, I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for the job.

When I worked at 77777, I always try to inspire clients to find and grow their personal dream continuously.But I realized that I become complacent. So, I have decided to take new challenge to achieve my dream which is “A Global Business Man” . 111 has been doing the world reading in not only English programmes and also university preparation programmes. And 111 has infinity possibility. In this condition , I truly believe that I will achieve the my dream. We will be the best partner

You will see from my CV that I have significant experience of UK higher education consulting, developing and maintaining solid relationships with clients and leading a team.  With an excellent understanding of UK higher education and clients’ goals, and also what agency expect from International College.


I have a range of relevant skills and experience that fit the you described, including:


·       Professional work experience  in UK higher education including Preparations , Undergraduate, Postgraduate

·       UK education Specialist certificated by British Council

·       Professional and good communication skills with Partners

·       An extensive knowledge of students’ and agency’s needs

·       Establishing Breakthrough strategy, through an understanding of competitors’ merits and demerits.

·       Organisational skills, computer skills or other skills that directly relate to the being advertised.

·       Self-motivated, Open-Minded, Willingness to challenge

·       Any abilities you have or skills you have acquired that demonstrate willingness to learn and initiative.


I believe these qualities; skills and qualifications make me a solid candidate for the of 8888 Manager and appreciate you reviewing my enclosed CV

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely


라노짱의 최근 게시물

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