야후뉴스, 나씨 아들논문얘기 나왔네요.

낙동강대구 작성일 19.09.19 11:16:02
댓글 4조회 1,403추천 13




서울대 윤형진 교수가 인터뷰한 내용은 그대로 실렸네요.


The teenager was later named the lead author of a medical paper that won him first prize in a US scientific competition -- "Research on the Feasibility of Cardiac Output Estimation Using Photoplethysmogram and Ballistocardiogram" -- and he subsequently secured a place at Yale to study chemistry.

But his supervisor Yoon Hyung-jin told broadcaster KBS that the paper was "beyond the level that a high schooler could have comprehended".

"It's clear he had not understood what he was doing," he said. "But we gave him ideas." 


과학경진대회 논문의 모든 아이디어와 실험, 논문작성은 본인이 해야 한다는 대회규칙을 위반한건 엄연한 사실이지요. 

많은 댓글이 달리고 있어요.


※ 그나 저나 나씨는 아들의 여권이나 F1비자를 언제 보여 주려나....


출처: http://news.yahoo.com/korea-education-row-embroils-opposition-leader-son-yale-044037847.html





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