최근 방문

To xguy81!

하늘보우하사 작성일 08.03.29 15:22:53
댓글 9조회 1,375추천 2

Hi, xguy81!

This is a really imporant message for you so you must read my message.


I read all of your writings to other poeple.

You are a very arrogant person.

I think you are such a loser!! 


In my opinion, you are the one who should study more.

Don't take other people's words and use them like if they are you own words.

Don't pretend like you are strong.

You loser!


If you know so much about women, why are you wasting your time here replyng to other people?

Oh, I know!

It's because you are such a loser!! 


By the way, I want to date with Kim Tae Hee so if you are really a great advisor, you should tell me how I can seduce Kim Tae Hee.

If you don't have an answer for how to date Kim Tae Hee, you should just stay in your home and do DDR more in your room.


The reason I am writing in English is because my computer doesn't have the Korean typing system.  I am in USA right now so if you want to come here, you are welcome to do so.

I can watch you do DDR if you want me to, and you can put that DDR video up online.


You must reply to me in English.

Show me your ability.

I want to know how to date Kim Tae Hee.


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