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muti 작성일 08.05.30 01:39:27
댓글 12조회 3,501추천 1

다음에서 F스펠링이 몇개 들어갔는지 찾아보세요



Consider these vastly different scenarios: in the first, an elderly bus driver who takes the exact same route each day greets his passenger with a warm smile on his face and entertains them throughout their long and tiring morning commute; in the second, a promising young college undergraduate takes a shotgun to his professor and mortally wounds him after the latter gives him a lower mark at a routine examination. What can make such a highly intelligent individual commit such an irrational act? Conversely, how can such an average person be so courteous and professional on a routine day?


The answer is lies in their emotional intelligence. Modern psychologists have determined that the key for success in life is not necessarily a high IQ, but the ability to control one's emotions and impulses, and put them to good use on a daily basis. While it is true that emotional intelligence is an inborn quality, the traits that account for it may be developed later in life through constant and persistent training.


Psychologists have observed that people who maintain a positive outlook on life have far greater chances of success than those who constantly dwell on failure and overanalyze what they did wrong. According to a recent study carried out at an insurance company, salesman who scored high on an optimism test but failed the aptitude test made 21% more sales in their first year than those employees who passed the normal intelligence test yet tested low on optimism. The reason for their success is that optimists are likely to blame their misfortunes on an unhappy chain of events rather than on themselves and are able to motivate themselves to move on to their next task.


There is no doubt that one cannot possibly maintain a can-do attitude throughout their entire life. Eventually, even a person in a generally positive frame of mind will be overcome by feelings of failure and self-doubt. The difference lies in how long a bad mood lasts, and an individual's ability to shake it off and go back to his former happy self. There are several strategies for changing foul moods into good ones, but letting anger get the best of you is certainly not amongst them. Contrary to popular belief, giving into rage and frustration and having angry outburst does not calm people down, but pumps up the brain and leaves you even more furious than before. A better technique to control anger is to consciously view a situation from a more positive angle





























































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